No-Burn Intumescent Coating Plus ThB, 5 gallons, White

a:1:{s:4:"row1";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:4:"full";s:7:"columns";a:1:{s:4:"col1";a:2:{s:4:"grid";i:12;s:7:"widgets";a:1:{s:4:"wid1";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:5:"label";s:0:"";s:7:"default";i:0;s:7:"content";s:988:"<b>No Burn Intumescent Coating Plus ThB, 5 gallons, White </b><div><br></div><div>No-Burn Plus ThB is an International Building, International Residential, and National Fire Protection Association Life Safety 101 thin film intumescent coating. When exposed to high temperatures and flame, Plus ThB intumesces creating a char-barrier protecting treated substrates from fire. Manufactured in compliance with ISO 9001, as a certified intumescent coating, Plus ThB is applied to spray polyurethane foam insulation, achieving the fire performance prescribed. <br></div><div><br></div><div>When exposed to extreme heat or fire, No-Burn intumescent paint swells to many times its original wet film thickness, creating a char-barrier that shields your substrate and significantly reduces the rate of combustion. Designed with the professional in mind, our safe, simple one-coat spray application achieves the code compliance you need with a water-based, low VOC emission formula.</div>";}}}}}}