Ever-Thane Roof Flash Mastic, 3.5 gal pail

a:1:{s:4:"row1";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:4:"full";s:7:"columns";a:1:{s:4:"col1";a:2:{s:4:"grid";i:12;s:7:"widgets";a:1:{s:4:"wid1";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:5:"label";s:0:"";s:7:"default";i:0;s:7:"content";s:1071:"<b>Ever-Thane Roof Flash Mastic, 3.5 gal pail-</b><i>**All items may be subject to quantity and color restrictions. Please contact the office for availability.**</i><div><i><br></i></div><div>EVER THANE® ROOF FLASH is a high viscous, trowel or butter grade enhanced polyurea-urethane formula that can be used in conjunction with a variety of liquid coatings and a variety of roof membranes. It is designed to create a watertight liquid flashing for intricate roofing areas and details. With its low VOC’s, the single-component, moisture-cure liquid flashing is environmentally friendly. This high performing polyurea-urethane is durable, reflective and UV resistant and has excellent vertical hang and performs well under ponding water. </div><div><br></div><div><b>Recommended Uses:</b></div><div><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Spot Repairs</li><li>Seam, Flashing, and Penetration Reinforcement</li><li>Seal Joint and Penetration Repairs for Solar Systems and Air</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p><b>Color:</b></p><p></p><ul><li>White</li><li>&nbsp;Aluminum</li></ul><p></p></div>";}}}}}}