Protecting Roof Coatings over SPF: The Different Methods Available

To keep a roof's SPF (Spray Polyurethane Foam) in top shape, it needs protection from moisture, foot traffic, and harmful UV rays. But how can you ensure its durability? By applying a protective coating! Let’s see the types available so you can make an informed decision for your projects.

Roof Coating Options for Spray Foam Roofs

Applying Gravel or Elastomeric Coatings

Once SPF is applied to the desired thickness and finish, a layer of gravel or elastomeric coating is added for extra protection. This not only shields the foam from damage but also creates a weather-resistant surface that's easy to walk on.

Gravel as an Alternative Method

While elastomeric coatings are more commonly used, some contractors and suppliers opt for a gravel system. Although it's less popular, it has proven to be effective. Coatings like polyurea, acrylic, urethanes, butyl rubber, and silicone can be spray-applied as single or double-component systems. Make sure to consult with an SPF supplier to determine the best coating material for your needs and budget.

Cool Roof Coatings: A Popular Choice

The most common type of cool coatings used for SPF and other surfaces are white or light-colored roof coatings. These coatings come in various materials like polyurea, acrylic, silicone, or urethane. Here are two popular types:

 Acrylic: Acrylic coatings are cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and easy to use. They have high reflectivity, which helps cool the roof. These coatings can handle temperature fluctuations without being affected. They not only reduce cooling costs but also extend the lifespan of the roof by protecting it from UV exposure.

 Silicone: Silicone coatings are commonly used on SPF roofs due to their permeability. They are particularly suitable for areas with extreme temperature ranges and frequent UV exposure. After applying the base coat, a slick surface is created, and additional silicone coating can be applied as a recoat.

What To Keep in Mind for Protecting Roof Coatings

Maintenance for Long-Term Performance

To ensure your SPF roof system lasts for decades, the protective coatings may require periodic replacement or maintenance. Just like repainting the walls of your house, these coatings can be removed or re-applied as needed.

Matching Climate Conditions

SPF roofs, like other systems, expand and contract with changing weather conditions. Therefore, it's crucial for the protective coating to have the same flexibility. This ensures that no cracks or damage occur. The characteristic that determines this compatibility is called elongation. For guidance on selecting the right coating with the appropriate elongation for your SPF system, reach out to your materials supplier.

Where to Find Quality Coatings

If you're in need of elastomeric roof coatings for your SPF or other conventional roofing systems, Profoam offers a comprehensive range of options. Get in touch with us for expert advice and details on suitable coatings that elongate with SPF.

Remember, protecting your SPF is essential for its longevity and performance. Don't forget to take the necessary steps to safeguard your investment!