Pros & Cons of Concrete Leveling: A Guide for Contractors

Concrete leveling is a technique used to fix sagging or uneven concrete slabs, such as steps, porches, patios, sidewalks, and driveways. It involves filling voids beneath the concrete to restore its evenness and stability. While it offers an effective solution to address concrete issues, like any method, it comes with its own set of pros and cons. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of concrete leveling and the different methods used.

Understanding Concrete Leveling Methods

Concrete leveling is surely a great way to restore concrete at an affordable price. With this good news comes the fact that there are different methods available to tackle this job. Let’s get to know them:

  •  Traditional mudjacking: This is one of the most common methods used for concrete leveling. It involves pumping a mixture of sand, soil, water, and sometimes Portland cement beneath settled concrete slabs to lift them back to a level position.
  •  Stone slurry concrete leveling: Stone slurry grout leveling works similarly to mudjacking but uses less pressure and pumps a mixture of agricultural limestone and water into the void under the concrete. This creates a solid base for the leveled concrete to rest on.
  •  Polyurethane foam: Polyurethane concrete leveling is a newer technology where a liquid chemical is pumped with the help of concrete slab lifting equipment, like concrete lifting guns. The chemical undergoes a reaction, causing it to expand and lift the slab.

Let’s Dive Deeper - Pros & Cons Of The Different Methods

Now that we’ve learned the different types of concrete leveling methods, let’s discuss the pros and cons of each to make an informed decision for your projects.

Traditional Mudjacking


  •  Can be a durable repair when done correctly.
  •  Can lift heavier concrete slabs.


  •  Highly pressurized, making it hard to control.
  •  Can be easy to overdo the lifting.
  •  Requires larger drill holes compared to foam or stone slurry grout leveling.

Stone Slurry Concrete Leveling


  •  Stone slurry grout leveling is suitable for repairs that have complex and delicate parts, such as pool decks.
  •  The limestone used in the slurry compound consists of natural and environmentally-friendly materials, with no synthetic or harmful chemicals.


  •  Stone slurry grout leveling requires larger drill holes compared to foam leveling.
  •  This method is generally more expensive than mud jacking.

Polyurethane Foam


Polyurethane concrete leveling has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous benefits. Here are some key advantages:

  •  Lightweight and Strong: Polyurethane foam is lightweight yet incredibly strong, making it an ideal material for concrete lifting. It provides excellent support without adding excessive weight to the structure.
  •  Long-lasting Results: Once the foam is injected and sets, it forms a solid and stable base that can withstand heavy loads. This ensures long-lasting results and minimizes the need for future repairs.
  •  Quick and Efficient: The process of injecting polyurethane foam is relatively quick and efficient. Contractors can complete projects faster, minimizing disruption to homeowners or businesses.
  •  Minimal Disruption: Unlike traditional methods like mudjacking, polyurethane foam lifting causes minimal disruption to surrounding areas. The foam expands slowly, allowing for precise control over the lifting process.


It's important to note that while the following cons exist, they are not necessarily deal-breakers for this concrete leveling foam. Contractors should consider these limitations when deciding which method to recommend to their clients.

  •  Higher Material Costs: Foam concrete leveling can be more expensive for larger jobs due to the higher cost of materials.
  •  Limited Control over Foam Expansion: Unlike other methods, there is less control over where and how much the foam expands. This lack of precision can make it challenging to achieve uniform lifting across the entire concrete slab.
  •  Smaller Drill Holes: This concrete leveling foam requires smaller drill holes, typically around ⅝ inches in size. While this may seem like an advantage, it can also restrict the flow of foam and make it harder to fill all voids adequately.
  •  Melting and Damage: The foam used in concrete leveling undergoes a chemical reaction that produces heat. In some cases, this heat can be excessive and lead to melting of the foam itself.

Creating Concrete Stability for Your Project With ProFoam

If you're a spray foam contractor looking for everything you need for a concrete leveling project, explore the products and resources available at ProFoam. We provide high-quality foam concrete lifting materials and expert guidance to ensure successful outcomes.